If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball!

Image courtesy of http://www.fridayfunfacts.com. From "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story"
More applicable to our purposes is, "If you can reduce every object to a basic shape, you can draw everything." Ignore the detail, see the underlying shape and draw anything. Here's what others have to say on the topic:

Glen Vilppu—from his Drawing Manual book.

Stan Prokopenko—an explanation and video of this basic element.

Andrew Loomis—from his Successful Drawing book.

Stan Lee—from his book with John Buscema, How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.

Doug Compton—at his Karmatoons site, the opening pages of his Drawing Lessons deal with shapes and their manipulation.

And I'm sure there are many others. These links and images will hopefully show you how to see and draw the basic shapes that will allow you to draw anything.