Artistic Anatomy Part 5: Mouth Muscles II

The "middle" section of the mouth muscles:

Caninus (Levator anguli oris)
Origin above canine tooth
origin: canine fossa
insertion: orbicularis oris; skin at corner of mouth
action: pulls corner of mouth upward; together raises lower lip

Zygomaticus major
Origin on zygomatic bone
origin: zygomatic bone in front of suture
insertion: orbicularis oris; skin at corner of mouth
action: pulls corner of mouth upward and outward

L. bucca—cheek
origin: alveolar processes of mandible
insertion: orbicularis oris; skin of the lips
action: pulls corner of mouth outward; compresses lips and cheeks

Orbicularis oris

L. orbicular—small disc + oris—of mouth
origin: fibers from the caninus, zygomaticus major and buccinator
insertion: lip-rim skin
action: closes and protrudes the mouth

Next: the muscles below the mouth.